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UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon opened United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (or “Rio+20”) in Rio de Janeiro earlier today, bringing together 86 heads of states and governments, as well as a number of ministers. The goal of the three-day Summit, characterized by many as the most important in the history of mankind, is to find ways to preserve the planet and improve the lives of its inhabitants, with special emphasis being put on the poorest of them.


Serbian delegation is led by President Tomislav Nikolic, with Ministers of Environmental Protection and Foreign Affairs – Mr. Oliver Dulić and Mr. Vuk Jeremic. The Serbian youth delegation is represented by Jovana Dodoš and Danilo Arsenijević.


Conference in Rio was founded to unite the leaders of countries and define the sustainable development path, leading to future with world population having decent standard of living, while preserving natural resources and ecosystems.


The aim is to ensure political commitment to sustainable development, to assess the progress of the international negotiations and sustainable development goals.


Greentech Ltd, plastics recycling company from Novi Sad, is included in the "Serbia Green Economy Study RIO+20" national study  as a good practice example and presented by Serbian delegation in Rio De Janeiro.


The Study can be downloaded HERE, with Greentech example being at Page #48, section 6.3.1. Environmental Infrastructure for Sustainable Development.